The mere mention of a bat roost in a recent High Court case grabbed headlines, but what should also be known is that bats ...
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A new study found that animals in urban areas give birth earlier than their rural counterparts. A research team at Tel ...
Many butterflies, bees and moths are fluttering into oblivion. A new report co-authored by a Canadian researcher warns that ...
Get ready for a Modesto celebration that will hum with family attractions. It’s the La Loma Native Plant Garden Pollinator Festival, our April highlight in a monthly feature that offers fresh ideas to ...
Projects include starting an apartment composting service, improving its bike share program, and building pollinator habitats, bat boxes, and bird feeders.
Queensland Health alerted the public about the risk of Australian bat lyssavirus, after a bat found near a school just north ...
New research found that more than 22% of native pollinators in North America are at an elevated risk of extinction.
Spring is a great time to begin thinking of our favorite pollinators. Most people think of bees when they think of pollinators, but pollinators also include butterflies, bats, birds, flies, and even ...
Infection with Australian bat lyssavirus is serious but extraordinarily rare, and there are effective treatments. So there’s ...
Humans are pushing many of North America’s pollinators dangerously close to extinction, according to a newly released study.
A new study led by NatureServe reveals that more than 22% of native pollinators in North America are at an elevated risk of ...