If you're growing fruit trees, then harvesting the (literal) fruits of your labor is the most exciting part. To speed that ...
Garden enthusiasts, take note: time is running out to plant certain crops if you want a bountiful harvest this year. Alan ...
According to Alan Buckingham, author of The Allotment Calendar, bare root fruit trees or bushes must be planted before the ...
If you have a question for the Master Gardeners, submit them to us on our website at www.netmga.net. Click the link at the top of the page, “Ask A Master Gardener” to send in your question. Questions ...
A well-designed landscape can add thousands of dollars to the value of a home. Homeowners can add bare-root trees and shrubs to help boost the bottom line. David Hillock is an Associate Extension ...
In addition to selecting the right type, planting bare-root roses between November and March offers an advantage that should not be ignored. Richard continued: “When it comes to planting roses ...
A well-designed landscape can add thousands of dollars to the value of a home. Homeowners can add bare-root trees and shrubs to help boost the bottom line.
Given space, it can grow into a large tree with an umbrella-shaped or round ... Ensure your plant has produced healthy roots before doing so. Check if your growing mix is suitable for the plant.
Learn how to check for winter damage, boost tree health, and promote strong roots and lush leaves throughout the growing season. Follow these and other tips to help more trees thrive. University of ...
Q I recently ordered several bare-root roses from a website I've used ... Then spray the dormant oil under the trees as well to kill any scales you may have brushed off. Q I am worried that ...
Tuscaloosa, AL – Through a partnership with the Alabama Forestry Commission, The Westervelt Company, and Alabama Power the City of Tuscaloosa will give out over 2,000 bare root tree and containerized ...