If you're worried about the health of your feet, this may make you feel differently about how you move around your house.
"I walk barefoot to feel what is under my feet and ... Tuệ's devotion has not gone unnoticed back home in Vietnam. In fact, his growing popularity has occasionally caused logistical headaches.
Unfortunately, if the plant has flowered and produced burs, there’s no way to mow, rake up, or otherwise remove them from the ...
Brown County resident and Indiana native Rich Hardesty, his band and Indiana-based Grateful Dead tribute band Hyryder took ...
During the Buddha’s time, the disciples followed teachings through a practice of carika. They walked barefoot for countless miles, carrying only ...
Steve Cameron’s “Cheap Seats” columns appear in The Press three times each week, normally Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday ...
In simple terms, walking tires the body and increases the naturally increasing pressure to sleep throughout the day. Res ...
What is walking yoga and what are the benefits? One writer put the workout trend to the test, and here's what happened.
From the dreaded seat kicker to the inescapable loud talker, some passengers seem determined to make flying an endurance test. If you've ever clenched your jaw at someone reclining their seat straight ...
Costume designer Arianne Phillips is 0-3 for Oscar wins to nominations. But her nod this year for James Mangold’s “A Complete ...
Standing desks served as, well, a bit of a stand-in, but after long periods standing, feet become weary and most tend to end ...