How do symbioses between plants and fungi develop? How do plants decide whether or not to enter into a partnership with fungi? The team of Prof. Dr. Caroline Gutjahr, director at the Max Planck ...
VESICULAR-ARBUSCULAR mycorrhiza has been found to be widespread in cereals and in many grasses in Britain 1. The incidence of root infection and the amount of endophyte mycelium on the root ...
This study summarizes the current research status of the impacts of crop domestication and improvement on root ...
Today, that symbiotic partnership between plants and fungi is called mycorrhizae. Arbuscular mycorrhizae are a specific type of mycorrhizae where plant root and fungi are intertwined at the ...
Fungal networks in the ground ferry crucial nutrients to plants. But how do brainless organisms form complex supply chain networks?
The natural process of arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis (AMS), in which plants exchange carbon for essential nutrients with fungi, is one way to overcome this challenge. Despite its importance ...
E. Williams. 2002. Beneficial mycorrhizas associated with commercial cotton and native Hibiscus species growing in the monsoonal tropics of northern Australia. 8th ICPP alsrai, A., R. Baatar, and S. E ...
Duell, Geoffrey House, Gail WT Wilson, Peggy A. Schultz, and James D. Bever. 2022. Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Taxa Show Variable Patterns of Micro-Scale Dispersal in Prairie Restorations. Frontiers ...