ALAT BERAT MUNGIL - Dedi Mulyadi minta alat berat untuk menghancurkan bangunan Hibisc Fantasy Puncak Bogor, Kamis (6/3/2025). Ternyata yang datang malah kecil. TRIBUNJATIM.COM - Dedi Mulyadi ...
Two undergraduate students from the School of Business and Entrepreneurship at Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB), have made history by reaching the finals of the "Not-A-Boring Competition," an ...
JAKARTA, - Penertiban puluhan bangunan di lahan milik Kementerian Kesehatan di dalam area Rumah Sakit Soeharto Herrdjan, Jalan Satria I, Grogol, Jakarta Barat, berlangsung ricuh. Dikutip ...
KUMPULAN PANTUN AMBON - Foto orang membaca buku dari Baca kumpulan pantun Ambon berbagai tema berikut ini, cara seru tambah pengetahuan tentang tradisi lisan Indonesia dari Kepulauan ...
The British actor, who played Lucius Malfoy in six of the eight Harry Potter movies, revealed the films were “quite boring” to make. “It’s a terrible confession to make. They weren’t ...
TANAH MERAH, Feb 26 —The body of a 19-month-old male toddler who went missing since Monday was found at a river bank near his home in Kampung Aira Kuala Tiga here this afternoon. Operations commander, ...
PEMBUNUHAN CINTA NOVITA - Dua Pelaku Pembunuhan Cinta Novita Sari sudah ditangkap Polisi. Pria Berinisial BM ditangkap di tanah datar, sementara pelaku utama bernama Noval ditangkap di Provinsi Aceh ...
TANAH MERAH: A 19-month-old boy missing in Kampung Aira, Kuala Tiga in Tanah Merah, Kelantan is believed to have possibly fallen into a ditch near his home. Tanah Merah Fire and Rescue Station ...
"Harry Potter" actor Jason Isaacs made a candid confession about filming the hit franchise. The British actor, who played Lucius Malfoy in six of the eight "Harry Potter" movies, revealed the ...
Have you ever had the nagging doubt that you might be boring your audience? You know the feeling—the one where you look out into the sea of faces and you can't quite tell if they are engaged or ...
Saudi Arabia - Alat, a unit of Saudi wealth fund PIF, today (February 24) entered into an agreement with TK Elevator (TKE), a global leader in vertical transportation and urban mobility, for setting ...
Alat, a unit of Saudi Arabia’s sovereign wealth fund, has bought 15% of TK Elevator and unveiled a joint venture that will make escalators and moving walkways, as the kingdom looks to boost ...