To see a breaching whale, a soaring bald eagle, bears catching salmon, or a bison up close are unforgettable, awe-inspiring ...
If you love traveling to remote locations, this small Alaskan island town located on a volcanic rock and surrounded by ...
Puffins are enchanting little seabirds. Here are 9 fascinating facts about puffins and their marvellous, yet sometimes ...
A significant proportion of the world’s population of northern gannets breeds there, as do kittiwakes, guillemots, razorbills and – the star attraction – Atlantic puffins. Whales and ...
The journey begins in Fairbanks, Alaska, and after two days of exploring ... and wildlife such as puffins, seals, and whales. In the evening, the train makes its way to Anchorage, marking the ...
A small, rocky island off Iceland is home to the world’s largest breeding colony of Atlantic puffins. When breeding season is in full swing, around 1.5 million adults pair up and nestle into ...
These 28 islands are home to an array of wildlife, including puffins and seals, and even offer opportunities for scuba diving. The largest and most well-known of these is Inner Farne, once the ...
Alaska is the coldest state in the U.S., with an average annual temperature of a mere 30.7 F°. Despite these harsh conditions, numerous animals have adapted in incredible ways – not only living but ...
Herm is also a sanctuary for wildlife, home to dolphins, puffins, and the occasional seal. The island hosts Europe’s southernmost puffin colony and features woodlands that turn a beautiful shade ...
A gorgeous island in the Bristol Channel is the ideal place to spot wildlife like dolphins and puffins. Lundy Island is an unspoilt beauty spot just off the Devon coast, with Caribbean-like ...
Embark on an awe-inspiring 8-day expedition into the remarkable wonders of Southeast Alaska.Aboard the 100-guest National Geographic Quest, you’ll sail through fast-moving channels where whales return ...
Parents need to know that Puffin Rock and the New Friends is a superb Irish animated movie based on the Puffin Rock TV series for younger kids. This big-screen adventure is suitable for young viewers ...