Visitors to the Museum Reinhard Ernst in Wiesbaden, Germany, check out works by Otto Piene, Atsuko Tanaka and Kazuo Shiraga, ...
Over nearly six decades, this fantastically inventive artist experimented with paint, turning it into a sculptural medium.
Part of human nature, it seems, is a Narcissus-like desire to gaze at shimmering surfaces that return our reflection and ...
Sculptor Haige Wu intertwines feminism and heritage using traditional crafts and contemporary materials to build tactile, abstract narratives.
Celebrate the return of spring with our Lifestyle Editor's curated itineraries to five inspiring destinations to explore 'out of town' ...
Often today in art galleries and hotels or even in wall art one would find the rise of abstract art. While at first glance ...
Experts have solved a mystery over stained glass window fragments which were anonymously returned to a historic abbey several ...
The New York–based maker is world-renowned for her intricate gilded-glass paintings ... She fell in love with verre églomisé while studying decorative painting at Van Der Kelen Logelain in Brussels in ...
The artist’s bulbous tubular forms share something with Abstract Expressionism’s paint-as-paint pours. Like Pollock’s late abstractions, Hankwitz’s art expands beyond the painting’s edges.