Vicky Maeijer, the secretary of state for Health, must rewrite her final thesis as it has been revealed that she committed plagiarism. Journalists investigated this, and the examination committee of ...
Until recently, wearing a gown during thesis defence ceremonies was limited to professors. In practice, however, it is often the associate professors who closely supervise students in their PhD ...
The members of the Dutch Senate want to know the consequences of rejecting the budget submitted for the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. Even so, they are unlikely to vote the budget down.
The campus is sometimes just like a catwalk. Students talk about what they wear and why. This time: Shoumik is a fan of winter. Shoumik poses in front of Erasmus MC. Image credit: Daan Stam Medical ...
English spoken education at the university is under pressure. The government wants fewer international and more Dutch students. Three programme directors explain what this would mean for their courses ...
While many students named Polak and the Library as having the dirtiest bathrooms, they also shared their go-to bathrooms. “I love the FoodPlaza bathroom”, one student says, explaining that it’s ideal ...
What do Dutch academics notice about the measures taken by the Trump administration towards academia? The Hoger Onderwijs Persbureau (HOP, Higher Education Press Bureau) to which Erasmus Magazine is ...
If the legislative proposal is approved, the first four cohorts of unlucky students will receive a total compensation of 5,600 euros – study voucher included – for four years of study. For students ...
Hostile intelligence services will stop at nothing in their hunt for sensitive information, experts tell NOS. This ranges from pressuring researchers into giving up information to outright extortion.
Rob Venema has been taking care of the boats of Skadi for 26 years. Image credit: Nora van der Schoor It’s not just students who keep Rotterdam’s student life going. Some people have been working ...
Boatswain Rob next to an eight that he is restoring the frame of. Image credit: Nora van der Schoor Without boatswain Rob Venema, there wouldn’t be much rowing at Skadi. He is the one who ensures that ...
A full Laurensplein, next to the statue of Desiderius Erasmus and right in the heart of the city – that is what the organisers of the 8 April strike are hoping for. That Tuesday, it will be Erasmus ...