Manatee County commissioners voted to end a school zone traffic camera program implemented this school year following recent ...
The Virginia Beach City Council voted Tuesday to approve operation of speed cameras in school zones. It will take about four ...
The big story: In an attempt to deter speeding in school zones, municipalities across Florida over the past year have set up ...
Despite the end of the school zone speed camera program, Manatee County officials urged local drivers to continue following ...
MANATEE COUNTY, Fla. (WFLA) — Wednesday is the last day school speed zone enforcement cameras will be used in Manatee County.
SUFFOLK, Va. — Suffolk school officials are alerting drivers of a new speed camera program in school zones that will go into ...
MANATEE COUNTY, Fla. — Effective Thursday, March 6, Manatee County's School Speed Zone Camera Program will end. The Manatee ...
After more than 55,000 violations and thousands of dollars' worth of tickets, Manatee County commissioners voted to end their ...
Manatee County Commissioners voted get rid of speed cameras in school zones. Starting on March 6, the cameras are no longer operational.
The Palm Bay Police Department has paused its speed enforcement cameras in school zones. The newly launched initiative was meant to crack down on speeders and ensure students a safer walk to and from ...
The Manatee Board of County Commissioners voted to discontinue the School Speed Zone Camera Program, effective 12:01 a.m.
The Sarasota Police Department reported newly installed cameras captured 4,488 warnings related to school zone speed limits ...