In an October 2024 briefing to the UN Security Council, Staffan de Mistura, the secretary-general’s Western Sahara envoy, ...
The Trump administration and United Nations can save a lot of money by eliminating failed peacekeeping missions.
The fate of 60 Algerians that France hopes to deport across the Mediterranean Sea has divided the two countries, further ...
A new report by the Washington Examiner, an American conservative news outlet, called for cutting UN peacekeeping in the Sahara (MINURSO) due to its failure to resolve the decades-long conflict.
Algerian prosecutors have requested a 10-year prison sentence for French-Algerian writer Boualem Sansal, accused of ...
The dispute over Western Sahara is one of Africa’s longest running wars – starting in 1975. It pits Morocco against the Polisario Front- an Algerian backed political movement.
offering the disputed territory limited autonomy rather than independence or the referendum on self-determination that Algeria and the pro-independence Polisario Front have long demanded.