A wind turbine off the coast of Nantucket, Massachusetts was struck by lightning, according to the US Coast Guard. It was the ...
Vineyard Wind, the company that operates the turbine, said preliminary reports show Turbine AW-38 was struck by lighting on Thursday.
A wind turbine off the coast of Nantucket that broke apart last year has been damaged again by a lightning strike.
A wind turbine off the coast of Nantucket that broke apart last year has been damaged again by a lightning strike.
The blade of a wind turbine was struck by lightning on Nantucket, Massachusetts, Vineyard Wind confirmed Sunday.
The turbine damaged by the lightning strike, identified as AW-38, had a blade break off in July. A football-field size chunk of the blade fell into the ocean, and debris has been washing up on the ...
Bad luck strikes again. The same wind turbine blade that scattered debris across local beaches last summer was struck by ...
Nantucket-based brewery Cisco Brewers won zoning approval last week to open an indoor beer hall and outdoor beer garden on ...
On Feb. 27, lightning reportedly struck the same Vineyard Wind turbine that had a blade failure in July 2024. Here's what we ...
A Vineyard Wind turbine, previously damaged in a high-profile blade failure in July 2024, was struck by lightning on February ...
Good afternoon and happy Monday, readers! We hope you all had a restful weekend. In today’s Daily on Energy, we are kicking things off with Republicans continuing their effort to roll back former ...