The Holden Commodore as we have come to know it ... Some with similarly large engines like our Commodore, but there are hardly any V8s in sight. Although some were mentioned in our Top 10 Aussie ...
Unique Cars Magazine and Trade Unique Cars online is the most-loved resource for owners, drivers and collectors of special cars. If you have a passion for unique cars, a need to buy, to sell, or to ...
Renault is reviving its rally spirit for 2027 in the form of the R5 Turbo 3E, an electric hot hatch with far more power and torque than you can shake a stick at. Inspired by the sporty Turbo 2 ...
But we need to clear one thing up immediately. Although the Turbo is water-cooled it’s not the same engine that’s in the regular 996s. The turbo engine can trace its ancestry back to the old ...
Mahindra may be famous for its diesel engines but very soon there will be a range of high-tech and powerful new petrol engines under the new mStallion family. Turbocharged and with direct ...
An original and genuine 1987 Holden VL Commodore HDT Director is up for ... Under the bonnet sits a 4.9-litre V8 engine that was hand-built by HDT. It includes roller rockers and is balanced ...