Elszálló élelmiszerárak, pride, szja-mentesség, adóvisszatérítés, jövő évi költségvetés – ilyen volt a Kormányinfó.
Gulyás Gergely Bódis Krisztina lehetséges fővárosi alapítványi pozíciójáról – amelyről tegnap komoly vita alakult ki a ...
Gergely Gulyás, Head of the Prime Minister’s Office, said remembering the victims of communism is both a task and a duty.
The country does not have to tolerate Pride marching through downtown Budapest,” Orban’s chief of staff, Gergely Gulyas, said ...
Budapest Pride should be held in a "closed venue" this year rather than processing along an avenue in central Budapest as ...
Hungary’s government said Thursday that Budapest Pride, the LGBTQ+ parade, “will not take place in a public form” this year.
Hungary's GDP growth for 2025 is projected to be between 2% and 3%, which is slightly below the official forecast of 3.4%.
Hungary expects the Donald Trump administration will “soon” lift US sanctions imposed against a powerful aide to Hungarian ...
The government measures were presented by Gergely Gulyas, PM Orban's Office Chief, and Government Spokesperson Eszter Vitalyos.
Hungarian public life makes room for diversity of opinion, "but we see the exact opposite of this in Brussels", Gergely ...