If the hem of your jeans hits ankle-length—whether they're cropped, cuffed, or aggressively hacked with a DIY laser-cut ...
Good riddance to The Pit
Many people have fond memories of the Harvard Square landmark. But The Pit had a dark side that shouldn’t be glossed over.
Researchers at King's College London have discovered positively charged hydrogen clouds in the Milky Way's center, suggesting ...
Our understanding of black holes, time and the mysterious dark energy that dominates the universe could be revolutionized, as ...
According to a study published in Physical Review Letters, a research team led by Shyam Balaji, Postdoctoral Research Fellow at King's College London, suggests that dark matter with a mass lower than ...
Julia Sanders has announced a new album, Dark Matter. The Asheville-based artist will release her third album on May 16.
For decades, scientists have been chasing one of the universe’s greatest mysteries: dark matter. Thought to make up about 85% ...
Dr. Vera Rubin, a Cornell graduate whose research confirmed the existence of dark matter, will be featured on a U.S. quarter ...
The recent discovery of a stupendously powerful neutrino has left scientists scratching their heads. New research suggests it ...
An astronomer who graduated from Cornell University and gathered years worth of research that uncovered the existence of dark ...
The two species of African rhinoceros are conservation icons. Large, charismatic, and vitally important for their ecosystems, ...
Blood tests showed elevated eosinophils, which can be a sign of a parasitic infection, among other things. They searched for ...