A Saul Steinberg mural celebrating midcentury American life was the perfect scenic backdrop for a display by Delvaux at Paris ...
WASHINGTON – From erasing the stories of Navajo “code talkers” on the Pentagon website to demolishing a Black Lives Matter ...
Aline Rhonie painting the mural, in interior Hangar F at Roosevelt ... Little-known is that during World War I, Jerwan taught future Guatemalan President Jose Miguel Ramon Ydigoras Fuentes to ...
who believed they represented a "New World Order" or the Illuminati. The mural panels are the work of Chicano artist Leo Tunguma, who painted various scenes of war and children from different ...
Artist Carlos Aguilar, on the side of the popular La Chiquita Restaurant, pays homage to 160 Mexican-American soldiers who fought in World War II with a 20-by-34-foot mural, “Among Heroes.” ...
The painting depicts a stork, a symbol of birth and prosperity in the village, as the “hands of faith” hold a nest ...
“They have lived through trauma and the feeling of being not just alienated from the world, but a sense of loss ... So he designed a companion piece, “Cities of the War,” a smaller, mostly black mural ...