Two suburban Chicago families say they are concerned the root cause for their kids' health challenges lies within their ...
A South Side landlord is testing how buzzy Bronzeville has become by listing two apartment buildings for $225,000 per unit.
The Barack Obama Presidential Center in Woodlawn, on the South Side of Chicago, is attracting a halo of developments.
Mrs. Pritzker and her husband co-founded the Pritzker Architecture Prize, which her obituary says is widely considered the ...
Allison Davis, a veteran developer and longtime friend of former President Barack Obama, wants to give visitors to the future ...
One of Wright’s most celebrated organic architecture achievements is Fallingwater house, a house built over a waterfall in ...
On St. Patrick's Day, a quick look at famous Irish poets visiting Chicago, with a nod to other newcomers whose poetry we have ...
Arts of Life is celebrating its 25th anniversary with a yearlong series of programming, which kicked off with a book launch ...
Western Springs officials hope to address aging infrastructure such as sewers, water mains, roadways, sidewalks and street lighting.
A Hyde Parker and dancer, Hsiao is experimenting with new ways to foster participation in her latest performance series “Mond ...