The Muskegon County Hazardous Material Response Team is made up of mostly volunteers and trains together twice a month.
On Thursday, dozens of volunteers gathered on the Anchorage mudflats to cut apart the 47-foot-long juvenile fin whale that ...
A respected dentist has explained that a mineral put into tap water is actually a byproduct of the phosphate fertilizer ...
Cleveland Police has now confirmed it is investigating a firearms incident as a cordon remains in place over 12-hours after ...
“You look like a clown,” one officer said to him as he was placed into the back of a patrol car. “I am a clown, stupid,” the suspect responded. Investigators also searched a bag that the man had with ...
The Nebraska State Patrol arrested two people who allegedly fled police in Columbus and led troopers on a pursuit that ended in Lincoln on Wednesday.
The March 19 snowstorm, which brought high winds and snow to Southeast Nebraska, caused "significant destruction" to the ...