Elsewhere in the nation, potholes and other examples of roadway deconstruction are mere impediments and irritations. But not ...
The developers of graphene won a Nobel Prize. Could this much-hyped chemical additive to concrete make Omaha streets repel ...
After the collapse, the Port of Baltimore was closed for months since debris blocked its main shipping channel. It made an ...
had a $1.2 billion backlog on deferred maintenance. Mechanics say those unfilled potholes are causing damage that can cost ...
Busy Nottingham road near QMC closed after crash - updates ...
BENGALURU: From terming it a “fraud” to an example of “misplaced priorities”, civic experts and activists have slammed the ...
As he points out, Greater Sudbury is mammoth, with more than 3,600 km of road to maintain — approximately the distance from here to Kamloops, BC. Geographically, Greater Sudbury is the largest city in ...
The City of Alexandria deserves credit for trying to fix the worst potholes on city streets. City officials encourage drivers ...
Even if your tire isn't flat from hitting the pothole, the impact can weaken the sidewall, potentially making the car ...
Parma City Council has unanimously approved a $200,000 settlement to a resident who was severely injured in a 2022 motorcycle ...
However, cities are getting creative to address the issue.In Boston, The Boston 311 service allows residents to report ...
Repairing pothole damage hits car budgets hard. A direct pothole hit at speed can ruin a tire, requiring an immediate tire ...