But days after the scorpion sting, the pain went away ... Their waste turns the shallow water into a fetid white soup whose stench somehow infiltrates the back of my throat.
They give painful and potentially life-threatening stings. Scorpions become pests when they enter homes or yards looking for food, shelter, or water. Scorpions begin their lives as eggs incubating ...
A 40-year-old woman returning from vacation wound up in the hospital after she was stung by a scorpion while retrieving her luggage from the baggage claim at Logan Airport in Boston.
A scorpion stung a woman at Logan Airport in Boston Sunday night, according to Massachusetts State Police. Sgt. Gregory Jones said the 40-year-old woman was getting luggage in the baggage claim area ...
According to the Mayo Clinic, most scorpion stings don't require hospital treatment. However, the wound should be cleaned with mild soap and water. If symptoms are serious and require ...