Mayor Muriel Bowser unveiled legislation Wednesday that if approved by the D.C. Council will make it easier for landlords to evict tenants who fall behind in rent or are charged with violent crimes.
D.C.'s mayor introduced the RENTAL Act, which adds protections for landlords and developers to address what the District is ...
Mayor Muriel E. Bowser said the legislation is an attempt to support affordable housing providers who are in crisis mode over ...
D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser is rolling out a slew of policies meant to stabilize affordable housing in the District. The Rebalancing Expectations for Neighbors, ...
The mayor is proposing accelerating eviction cases, narrowing the TOPA law and has selected distressed properties to receive ...
A developer's plan to add apartments at a Wegmans-anchored shopping center near Fort Belvoir died in 2020 in the face of ...