Neutrinos are ghostly subatomic particles that can travel in a straight line for billions of light-years, passing unhindered ...
Astronomers have investigated three ultra-faint dwarf galaxies that are located in a region of space far away from the ...
KM3NeT comprises two large neutrino detectors at the bottom of the Mediterranean. One called ARCA - 3,450 meters (2.1 miles) ...
"History shows us that whenever you do open a new 'energy window,' you never really know what you're going to find. It's completely unexplored." ...
ESO/L. Calçada, N. Risinger (, DSS, VISTA, VVV Survey/D. Minniti DSS, Nogueras-Lara et al., Schoedel, NACO, GRAVITY Collaboration, EHT Collaboration (Music: Azul Cobalto) ...