The last words to come from his mouth at a public meeting on the rendering of the tower was: 'It will not be white.' 'Well, I'm sorry, but it's white. It is entirely out of keeping with the ...
The Rev Dave Clark said that the render on the Grade I-listed St Oswald’s Church tower “is a honey hue made from local stone”, but locals said it was white and “totally out of keeping with ...
Latifa Tower is a 45-storey, mixed-use skyscraper on Sheikh Zayed Road. It is 689 ft. tall and features shell and core offices on 37 commercial floors. 8 residential floors are dedicated to 2 and ...
Park Place Tower is a mixed-use building on Sheikh Zayed Road. Ascott The Residence developed Park Place Tower. It is ranked as the 54th tallest building in Dubai. The building construction started in ...