Dark chocolate is a delicious confection enjoyed by millions despite its inherent bitter flavor, but what is it that makes it ...
Cacao beans from West African regions tend to have ... After all, the Latin name Theobroma, the tree that produces cacao, translates to "food of the gods." There are so many reasons to enjoy ...
Toribio Rodríguez de Mendoza National University researchers conducted a genomic analysis of fine aroma cocoa from northern ...
Cocoa, known as the 'Food of Gods', is revered for its rich flavor and nutritional benefits. Derived from the cacao tree, it offers various health adv ...
The cacao tree, Theobroma cacao is a tree in the Malvaceae ... If you want to start your cacao tree from seed, be sure to get beans directly from a cacao pod or find ones that have been kept ...
THE AZTECS of central Mexico attributed the creation of the cacao beans to their god Quetzalcoatl ... hence the tree’s modern generic Latin name Theobroma cacao, meaning ‘Food of the Gods’.
Theobroma cacao, the botanical name for chocolate ... learned the techniques from the Olmec. Since the cacao beans are rich in fat, simply mixing the crushed beans with water would cause the mixture ...
It really is the "food of the gods" The scientific name for chocolate is theobroma cacao ... When a Spanish shipment of cocoa beans veered off course and was seized off the coast of Britain ...
Cocoa beans naturally contain approximately 1% theobromine ... Named after the cacao plant's scientific name, Theobroma cacao, where 'Theobroma' means 'food of the gods', theobromine contributes ...