Lebanon, Mo., author Gary Sosniecki’s book “The Potato Masher Murder: Death at the Hands of a Jealous Husband” details the 1906 death of Cecilia Ludwig.
Staff Writers Molly Hanley and Rania Woodward take opposite sides in the debate between physical books and e-readers.
Joining us today is Tamara Dean, an author who is working on her novel called Shelter and Storm: At Home in the Driftless.
How to find and make the most of dissertation supervision, extra marking and public speaking opportunities to supplement your ...
Check out Power Girl #19 from DC Comics, where our hero and her allies find themselves trapped in a prehistoric bubble while ...
A mix of glamping and tent camping, this trip was created to empower women through exploration and cultural immersion ...
With a realm of fantastic Irish writers across all genres, there is a definite increased appetite for reading and sharing our ...
Day, the author of Baby Meets World, wrote his narrative nonfiction as an account of the attempt to steal the Mona Lisa in ...
Writing a memoir was no laughing matter for Phil Hanley. Narrating the audiobook took 16 sessions, 64 hours and a supportive ...
Billionaire entrepreneur Mike Repole says he founded and ran Glaceau and Bodyarmor using principles from a self-help book by ...
To top it off, students visited Bristol’s beloved bookshops, Foyles and Waterstones, to exchange their World Book Day tokens ...
There are many benefits to staying at independent hotels and vacation rentals, and many ways to save money and earn rewards.