Plants shape Earth’s atmosphere by moving carbon and water vapour. New research sheds light on how they learned to do it – ...
Selain bisa membuat ketawa, bermain tebak-tebakan juga bisa sebagai mood booster lho buat kamu yang kurang bersemangat.
As the mining industry moves towards adopting Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) technologies through increased automation ...
Deeper, hotter geothermal power could be key to the energy transition. Canary Media went on-site to see how one startup aims ...
The rollout of new narrow-reef boring technology, which has the potential to boost platinum group metal (PGM) grades, lower ... - Dua pemilik kendaraan pada Kamis (6/3/2025) melaporkan telah mengalami masalah usai mengisi bahan bakar minyak (BBM) tercampur air di SPBU 44.571.02 Pucangsawit, Jebres, Solo. Pertama, ...
I’m feeling an immense amount of deja vu as I sit down to write this iPad Air M3 review. I could have sworn I reviewed this exact tablet just months ago — and that’s because I basically did.
Air hujan yang turun bisa menjadi tabungan air melalui sumur ini. Dengan begitu air yang mengalir akibat hujan bisa tertampung. Lalu, bagaimana cara membuat sumur resapan air di rumah? Simak ...
Apple is marching in with new products for the spring, including a new MacBook Air featuring the M4 chip, a new iPad Air, uniquely featuring the M3 chip, and a new Mac Studio desktop, with M4 Max ...
Vaksinasi dan menghindari kontak dengan penderita cacar air merupakan cara efektif untuk mencegah infeksi virus varicella-zoster. Obat antivirus dapat diresepkan untuk pasien dengan risiko tinggi atau ...