Masaki Kashiwara is the first Japanese person to be awarded the most prestigious prize in mathematics. Mathematician Masaki ...
The Symmetry Medal. It’s better than all the ... This is from the series: Let's Do Maths. Ask pupils to draw what they deem to be symmetrical and asymmetrical and discuss the different words ...
Lots of buildings and everyday objects use symmetry because it looks appealing to the human eye. Watch the video below from BBC Bitesize KS2 Maths which shows the lines of symmetry on a square ...
I LOVE symmetry photography in my portrait, landscape and architectural work. Is it better than the rule of thirds?
A possible method for probing the properties of exotic particles that exist on the surfaces of an unusual type of ...
She eventually became one of the world’s foremost experts in the fields of abstract algebra, algebraic topology and the mathematics of symmetry, working at the University of Erlangen and ...
The Department of Mathematical Sciences, IUST, celebrated the International Day of Mathematics today, highlighting its ...