Horses have been a significant part of rodeo cowboy Anthony Thomas’ life, but he’s nearing the point of hanging up his spurs.
This rodeo season has multiple high-stakes events happening in your personal arena, Aries, but you’ve got to keep your free hand steady to make it through strong. With a solar eclipse, Venus ...
with the rider needing to stay on and spur continually in rhythm with the horse’s bucking action to score well. This event features two riders on horseback working together to rope a steer.
spurs, and helmet, then heads towards his buddy. His buddy isn't a person. It's a 2,000 pound bull. "You get in that bucking chute, (it's) life or death," Smith said. "One thing that bull can do ...
This relationship helped spur UIPA to donate $2.5 million to the ... viewed this as the commission bucking accountability. When Russell responded to concerns Vanderwood sent to commissioners ...
I always thought producing a bucking horse involved finding an animal with the rankest temperament, throwing a saddle and rider on the beast, snugging up a prickly strap against its tender parts, ...
Spurs, bits, and other tack speak to the working relationship between riders and their horses. Cowboy boots with worn heels ... Wyoming pride wears well on these shirts and caps. That bucking bronco ...
While it might not be the flashiest way to chart the rapid growth of women’s professional sports, a building boom is showing that investors are paying attention. There’s already a dedicated ...