Energy Consumers Australia is proposing four rule changes to make gas networks justify capital spending and new customers pay up front to connect to the diminishing fossil network.
From flaring black holes to strange early galaxies, the Webb telescope is showing us the wonders of the universe like never before.
Climate was an easy, low-cost product to sell in Arizona's early years, before rising temperatures changed the landscape's ...
Scientists worldwide agree this is largely a result of climate-warming greenhouse gas emissions generated ... Mission that later became the hospital bearing his name. It still treats more than ...
"Starburst galaxies birth lots of hot blue stars that burn fast and die quickly in explosions that unleash intense ...
Galaxies like the Milky Way boast more than spirals; they also have feathers, where clumps of new stars are born. Astronomers ...
This NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image features a sparkling spiral galaxy paired with a prominent star, both in the ...
A 'substantial' oil and gas discovery has been made in a shallow ... with their exploration probe logging more than 1000 feet of hydrocarbon-bearing sands. This find will be a boon to Nigeria ...