A sperm whale's brain weighs about 17 pounds (8 kilograms ... Occasionally, these whales have been found covered in strange, ...
Whales can become caught in rope that runs between shellfish creels on the seabed to a buoy on the surface. Trials have been done using "ropeless creels" which have the main line in a container along ...
The smallest whale species is the dwarf sperm whale, which is about 7 to 9 ... these whales have been found covered in strange, circular scars that result from deep-sea battles with enormous ...
On Monday, BDMLR was called a report of a sperm whale grounded near the shore of nearby Raasay. Some ropes were wrapped around the animal and the team believe it is the same animal they helped ...
The adult whale came into difficulty near the coast of Skye A sperm whale got into difficulty after becoming entangled in rope off the east coast of Skye. The British Divers Marine Life Rescue ...
A sperm whale has died after becoming tangled in ropes and stranding on a Scottish island. The 15-metre (49ft) long whale was first spotted off the coast of Skye on Thursday. A team from the ...