Global climate models predict that the ocean around Antarctica should be warming, but in reality, those waters have cooled ...
Devastating floods reshaped southern Brazil's landscape in May 2024. Rio Grande do Sul—the fifth most populous state in ...
Stanford researchers discovered that increased meltwater and rainfall account for 60% of the decades-long gap between ...
Climate models have predicted that the ocean surrounding Antarctica should be warming, but new research shows that it's ...
Global climate models predict that the ocean around Antarctica should be warming, but in reality, those waters have cooled over most of the past four ...
“The Southern Ocean is one of the primary places ... “We’ve known for some time that ice sheet melting will impact ocean circulation over the next century and beyond,” Wilson said.
The Saya de Malha Bank is one of the world’s largest seagrass fields and the planet’s most important carbon sinks. It faces incalculable risks that threaten the future of humanity.