There’s a lot to like about brook trout – even if they're technically a char, not a trout. They sport otherworldly colors, ...
Brook trout may have a genetic trick up their scales when it comes to adapting, with limitations, to heatwaves that threaten their existence. Scientists have known for years that brook trout -- an ...
My earliest memories of fishing don’t involve fishing at all. But as a very young child I vividly remember Dad, Dick Robertson, coming home from a native brook trout outing ...
On the Fly. Putting flies together seems to come a whole lot easier when new opportunities and thoughts of countless fish lie ...
Online angling research has a way of spurring on preparations that have been back-burnered for some time. Well behind the ...
Opposition grows to proposed Maryland laws to build multi-state overhead transmission line on protected wildlands to forever ...
Sportsmen and sportswomen in northern Maine can visit The Forum in Presque Isle March 22 and 23, to enjoy the annual Spring ...
Online angling research has a way of spurring on preparations that have been back-burnered for some time. Well behind the curve in my annual fly-tying efforts, I found the motivation I required to ...
Mike Davis By Mike Davis Bridgton History Columnist Howdy neighbor! This past weekend, Zoe and I enjoyed several hours out to ...
Spring trout fishing season opens Tuesday, April 1, and runs through Oct. 15. A catch and release (artificial lures only) ...