The Silver Surfer's body is physically enhanced to extraordinary ... is his surfboard. Why does a cosmic alien serving a god-like being have a surfboard? Because they were cool at the time.
Silver Surfer is going to meet an untimely fate in ... He continued: “Norrin Radd is an alien who’s attacked wherever he goes, and yet always choses to help; a harbinger of doom who serves ...
The Silver Surfer was created by Jack Kirby for Fantastic Four #48, published in 1966, the humanoid alien Norrin Radd with metallic skin who can travel through space with the aid of his surfboard ...
Is it possible that, ahead of the new movie, Marvel Comics will be killing off the Norrin Radd Silver Surfer to clear the way for a Shalla Bal Silver Surfer in the comic books, as in the movie?