Shark skin is made up of hundreds of millions of scales—called denticles—that are shaped like a three-toed dinosaur track. The curved bottom of the "foot" faces outward, while a cylindrical ...
Seasoned anglers Luke Beard and Jason Rosenfeld netted a lifetime achievement on the shores of North Carolina.
In this issue’s cover story (“Inspired by Nature”), Daniel Cossins describes how shark-skin denticles inspired the construction of antibacterial surfaces; how jellyfish tentacles influenced the design ...
One thing that ship hulls and medical tubing cannot yet do is to grow dermal denticles the way shark skin can. The shark is refreshing its skin surface continuously. It’s likely that a ...
The skin of sharks and rays are covered in a layer of denticles, which are essentially microscopic teeth. Thorny skates get their namesake from their sickle-shaped barbs that are made from the same ...
It's made up of thousands of dermal denticles, the toothlike structures ... forcing the water past and away from the shark's body, significantly reducing drag and even pulling sharks forward.
Skin is the body’s largest organ. It has allowed vertebrates to conquer virtually every habitat on the planet by growing hair, feathers, scales and even teeth. In Secrets of Skin, Professor Ben ...