Portage Public Schools is changing their middle school language requirements to comply better with state law. Some community members fear the changes may hinder students' ability to master a second ...
Montalvo Elementary School's 25th anniversary of its Dual Language Immersion Program drew a crowd in the hundreds on Tuesday.
Continuing education courses in languages are offered on an open-enrollment basis through The New School's Open Campus. All courses can be taken on a noncredit basis. Most can also be taken for ...
The program follows a research-based 50/50 immersion approach, ensuring that students build fluency in both languages while ...
The three countries share more than a common language: For several decades, their governments forcibly removed Indigenous children from their families and relocated them to distant boarding schools.
For further information on the language requirement in the Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences and the various ways in which one may fulfill this requirement, please consult Student Services' guide ...