A fun school day out in California ended in unimaginable tragedy after a group of teenagers decided to break the water park ...
Somewhere between Alien Isolation, Subnautica, and Silent Hill, you will find Dark Mass, an upcoming horror game set beneath ...
As Israel resumes its genocidal campaign, wiping out entire Palestinian families, the world justifies the slaughter, ignores ...
‘Pixielix’, even claims their ship has ‘at least 3 deaths onboard a month’ because, with an often elderly customer base, ...
My feed was drowning in horror - again. Gaza ... A wave of nausea hit me as I stared at the images - bodies wrapped in white shrouds, children covered in dust and blood, fathers clutching their ...
It stretches along the Arabian Sea, across the water from ... The bodies were disfigured beyond identification. The images from Tootak shook the country - but the horror was no stranger to people ...
Discover free accounts and keys for The Forest on Steam! Find out how easy it is to access this exciting game about survival ...
“After a few hours of sailing, the dinghy began to deflate and take on water. Six bodies recovered. 40 missing,” she wrote. Italy’s coastguard said it pulled 10 people to safety and was scouring the ...
MYSTERY swirls as a horror collision led to a woman and a man being pulled from a car after crashing into a reservoir. Cops ...