Know about Saipan International Airport in detail. Find out the location of Saipan International Airport on Northern Mariana Islands map and also find out airports near to Saipan. This airport locator ...
Airfield improvements are planned over the next few years on the tourist island of Saipan and on at least two sites in the archipelago nation of Palau. Much of the digging and paving at the moment ...
Securing Saipan was of critical importance to the U.S.; its airfields would put the Army Air Force's new B-29 bombers within striking distance of the main Japanese islands. For the Japanese ...
From its airfields enemy planes had attacked B-29s and their fields at Saipan; its radar station had tattled to Tokyo whenever B-29s were on the way. The Japs knew how vital it was to U.S. forces ...
Securing Saipan was of critical importance to the U.S.; its airfields would put the Army Air Force's new B-29 bombers within striking distance of the main Japanese islands. For the Japanese ...