We’re not going to say either choice is better than the other… after all, only a sith deals in ... the early days of the Empire. If you want to watch all the Star Wars movies in chronological ...
Both Luke Skywalker and Grand Master Yoda took the coward's way out after they failed to prevent the rise of the dark side. They shouldn't have.
Set during the Clone Wars era of Star Wars, this board game pits the Jedi against Count Dooku and the Sith Lord's forces ... not only for Rebels and the Empire, but ones from the prequels and ...
Standing as one of the best movie-to-video game Star Wars games for consoles, Revenge of the Sith throws players into a thrilling ... command either the Rebel Alliance or the Empire as they dominate a ...
Taking lessons from the best deck building games around, but slimming things down to a svelte 30 minute playtime, SWTDBG is a head to head game that pits Rebels against the Empire in ... for the Jedi ...
The history of the Sith before the Grand Plan is one of infighting, backstabbing, and blood. It began when a single individual, a rogue Jedi, tapped into the Dark Side of the Force to better ...
In celebration of its 20th anniversary, Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith is returning to theaters ... the rise of the Galactic Empire, and the birth of Darth Vader.
When the sinister Sith unveils a thousand-year-old plot to rule the galaxy, the Republic crumbles, and from its ashes rises the evil Galactic Empire. Jedi hero Anakin Skywalker is seduced by the ...