Rochester's Route 11 safety project will bring a traffic light to area where there have been many crashes, leading residents ...
The NYS Department of Transportation tells CBS6 traffic lights and other safety improvements are being considered for the Troy-Schenect ...
Aguilar hopes Senate Bill 415 will make Nevada roads safer. The new bill, introduced Thursday, would allow traffic cameras at ...
No traffic street lights for one busy far eastside street! That's what's driving one viewer crazy this week.KFOX14 received ...
This section of New Halls Ferry Road is part of MoDOT’s $52 million Safety Improvements Project. They're hoping a combination ...
The City of Huntsville said that the activation of a new Rectangular Rapid-Flashing Beacon (RRFB) will help with making sure ...
Traffic Information during the Masters Tournament has been released. One new change is the location of a rideshare lot with a ...
Like anyone else, truckers need to know if there's a problem with their ride. But how to let them know from your much-smaller ...
The City of Huntsville says it will enhance pedestrian safety on Bailey Cove Road with the activation of a new Rectangular ...
Picture this: you are headed to work for the say, in a rush, and you’ve just reached the 10-minute mark waiting to turn out of your neighborhood onto the main road. This ...
The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet plans to block Barron Drive (KY 2707) and Middleground Drive West at their intersection ...