Starfleet Academy's villain but after his recent comments, I believe Paul could be the Khan (Ricardo Montalban) successor ...
LOS ANGELES, California (CNN)-- Actor Ricardo Montalban, star of the hit TV series "Fantasy Island," died Wednesday in Los Angeles, a family spokesman said. Montalban, 88, was in deteriorating ...
Earlier today, Ricardo Montalban, the excellent veteran actor, passed away in his home at the age of 88. His massive body of work reads like a history of 20th-century filmed entertainment ...
La producción estuvo a cargo de Robert Amram y la obra fue narrada por el icónico actor mexicano Ricardo Montalbán. Este largometraje marcó un antes y un después en la historia del cine ...
Pilar Del Rey, the character actress perhaps best remembered for her turn in Giant as the Mexican woman who has a seriously ill newborn who grows up to be the doomed World War II soldier played by Sal ...