Created from debris trails from Halley’s Comet, the eta Aquariids can be seen from both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres ...
John Olguin said meteors have been seen across El Paso in the past few days and said we are in the middle of a meteor shower. Olguin explained what caused the shower we saw a few days ago.
“Meteor showers are named after the constellation ... according to accounts of those who viewed the event. The most recent ...
The last spectacular meteor shower of the year is peaking this week. It'll be a particularly exceptional one that you won't want to miss. Here's how and when to see the Geminid meteor shower.
Startrails are seen in this multi-exposure image created during the 2020 Lyrids meteor shower in Niederhollabrunn, Austria.
WLKY viewer Jody Hill sent a video that his dashcam took while he was driving for Lyft around 1 a.m. near the news station. If you look in the upper center of the video, you'll see a meteor hit the ...
The last meteor shower of the year — the Ursids — peaks Sunday, a few days before Christmas. While usually not as bright as the Geminids, the Ursid meteor shower can yield surprises.
The Draconids mark the first of two meteor showers this month and will coincide with October's Harvest Moon Skyler Caruso is a Writer and Reporter of PEOPLE Digital Entertainment. She joined ...
Warmer weather means more time to get outdoors and see what's above. A meteor shower that has been observed for 2,700 years ...
While recording the annual Perseid meteor shower from Hawaii, this camera happened to capture a parade of satellites. The group of 15 dots moving through the sky are SpaceX's Starlink satellites.
Throughout the coming year, there will be myriad opportunities to see meteor showers, eclipses and other celestial events. No matter where you live, you can look up and witness something beautiful ...