When AI image generation models hit the scene a few years ago, we all thought it would toll a bell for all the people working with visual media. This did ...
This used to be one of the most frequently asked questions, because historically deal.II only supported quadrilateral and hexahedral meshes ... resulted from the fact that in deal.II, we represent ...
This file provides functions and modules that construct shapes from a list of cross sections. In the case of skin() you specify each cross sectional shape yourself, and the number of points can vary.
This is is a variant of Chaikin's corner-cutting algorithm. It is similar in spirit to a number of subdivision schemes for producing smooth surfaces from an original set of control vertices, including ...
These could be explained with a balanced apical surface contractility. For the sake of simplicity, consider a system of vertices linked by edges in a line, and the edges bear differential ...
The following problems were sent to us by the MAA. These example problems are copyrighted by the MAA and are reproduced here under the principle of fair use for the benefit of high school students who ...