Plants droop and shed their leaves when parched, but with a splash of water, their stems regain strength and their leaves unfurl. This dramatic transformation is a clear signal for us to reach for the ...
Last night, millions around the world gasped in horror as news reports of a White House press conference filtered through. A ...
The ideal of remaining on one’s land despite threats of expulsion is at the heart of the Palestinians’ struggle and ...
The fate of thousands of FBI officials remains in the balance as the Justice Department is demanding they fill out a ...
Celebs love health tech that promises to offer anti-ageing, speed up metabolism, and reduce inflammation so Bethan King ...
(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.) Gabrielle Clark, California State University, Los Angeles (THE CONVERSATION) President ...
Don’t worry if someone’s checking your blood pressure in a loud public place.The reading they get is apt to be just a ...
Our physics expert picks his top-five equations, plus a scheme to supply US power needs with a bucket of baseballs. Thanks, ...
The good news is eating a breakfast that’s high in fiber slows digestion and helps prevent blood glucose spikes. Pairing ...
This charge allows them to work throughout the body in chemical reactions that maintain normal brain functioning, balance fluids ... ultimately lowering blood pressure. If blood pressure drops ...
President-elect Donald Trump will be inaugurated for his second presidential term on Monday, and former White House usher Chris Emery has a look behind the scenes at the “mass bedlam” behind a White ...
The Warriors leaned on their 3-point shooting, swarming defense, and balance to pull away from ... “We’re trying to pressure the ball as much as we can.” What they lack in traditional ...