But no one ever mentioned the skulls. "My ancestors didn't tell me ... At the shore young men painted with red dye and armed with spears ran down to greet the ancestors, shouting and calling ...
Florida Tech commissioned Christopher Maslow to paint the downtown Melbourne panther mural at New Haven Avenue and Waverly ...
Scientists have confirmed that the pigment used is cinnabar, a valuable mineral historically linked to religious rituals, art ...
Yossi Zaidner excavating human 110 thousand years old human skull and associated artifacts ... about interactions between ...
From iconic, historical boards, Hollywood-dusted craft, and the odd artist rendition, some surfboards have been bought, and ...
Mortality is an insistent presence: an 1886 painting of his younger brother Andreas as a medical student absorbed in the ...
Nature is the vast eternal kingdom which nourishes art,” Munch observed, and this vast source was not a choice but a ...
Many decades her junior, Mr. Hamilton served as O'Keeffe's late-in-life caretaker and traveling companion before sparking controversy and legal disputes after he inherited much of her estimated $70 ...
Director James Ashcroft and puppeteer Paul Lewis take IndieWire inside the demented delivery room for a new film distributed ...