Hungary’s ruling coalition continued its crackdown on the country’s LBGTQ+ community on Monday, as members submitted a bill to parliament that would ban the popular Budapest Pride event and ...
Two of the judges on the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals wrote that Mr. Trump's anti-DEI push could eventually raise concerns about First Amendment rights but said Abelson's sweeping block went ...
Capital One Financial Corp. and Discover Financial Services shares fell after a report that staff at the US Department of Justice had concerns about their $35 billion merger. Discover slid as much ...
The rally was part of a nationwide anti-corruption movement that erupted after a concrete canopy collapsed at a train station in Serbia’s north in November, killing 15 people. Almost daily ...
Industries that use steel as an input have opposed such a duty, arguing that their raw material bills will become steeper. New Delhi/Mumbai: Prices of steel in the domestic market have climbed 3-4 ...
The Trump administration’s decision to expel the South African ambassador is its latest move against a country it has singled out for sanctions and accused of being anti-white and anti-American.
ARCA compartió los vencimientos del lunes 17 de marzo. FOTO: archivo. Quiénes deben pagar el lunes 17 de marzo a ARCA Según informó en sus principales canales de comunicación la entidad ...
When the 2024-25 NBA season is all said and done, this year's Toronto Raptors will not be remembered as a good basketball team. Even if Toronto went on a 14-game winning streak to close out their ...
Los problemas con el teclado de una computadora pueden surgir por diversos motivos, y aunque a veces se piense que la única solución es pagar por una reparación o adquirir uno nuevo ...
El consejero de Justicia, Ramon Espadaler, durante una sesión de control en el pleno del Parlament.Gianluca Battista La Generalitat ha rescatado un viejo plan para premiar, económicamente, a los ...