Having trouble falling asleep? What if a simple piece of fruit was the key to falling asleep faster? Find out why it's your ...
Are you stuck in a cycle of stress? You can work with your nervous system, not against it, and bring yourself back to balance.
During this period of cultural chaos, the most important thing we can do for ourselves and each other is not get stuck in the ...
Robot with digital nervous system learns ‘like a human’ in world first - IntuiCell says technology represents ‘paradigm shift ...
Diseases of the nervous system refer to disorders that affect any part of the central nervous system (brain, spinal cord or cranial nerves) or peripheral nervous system. A hallmark of addiction is ...
Lucia Notterpek, Ph.D., professor and senior associate dean for research at the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine ...
The nervous system is a complex network of neurons and cells that carry messages to and from the brain and spinal cord to various parts of the body. People who have early signs of heart problems ...
How alcohol-induced plasticity evolves over protracted abstinence is not well understood. Here, authors show the long-lasting impact of drinking on dopamine transmission and that altered function ...
There was only so much preparation the debaters at the 18th Junior Schools Debating Competition could do, considering they were only told what topic they’d be arguing less than an hour before ...
Dysautonomia refers to a group of disorders involving nerves that control heart rate, breathing, and other involuntary functions. Dysautonomia can be difficult to diagnose, in part because symptoms ...