NJ Transit My Transit app is a favorite because you can look up departure time by bus stop schedules and buy tickets. Bus schedules are pretty accurate except at late night. Light rail ...
Bus passengers and state officials are seeking for NJ Transit to provide more frequent service on two crosstown routes in ...
Franck Beaumin joined the agency in October after the role went unfilled for years. He is listening to riders, and trying to ...
President Donald Trump intends to put a stop to congestion pricing ... A number of bus riders later asked for letters from New Jersey Transit to excuse tardiness to work. Some said delays had ...
“Academy bus should never get more routes because of their terrible history,” said Andy Weiss. “NJ Transit’s board should vote no and stop privatizing bus routes.” This is the second ...
NJ Transit CEO Kris Kolluri has scrapped plans for a permanent bus terminal at MetLife Stadium, opting for temporary shelters and platforms instead. The agency will still move forward with a $100 ...