Dr. Magsi emphasized that the Lahore Resolution was the key factor behind the creation of Pakistan. Dr. Magsi also ...
There have been surprisingly few films made in Pakistan on the Pakistan Movement and the events around the brutal partition ...
As sacred spaces evolve, the delicate balance between art, ecology and humanity’s future becomes increasingly uncertain ...
Asked about the "East Coast Plan", first unveiled at the last election, Dr Maliki Osman said that the PAP team has ...
A 12-year-old student is facing a hate crime charge in juvenile court after allegedly being part of a group that attacked twin seventh grade Muslim students at their middle school in Waterbury, ...
From this sense of nothingness, religiously-minded residents across the different faiths started the arduous process of ...
Excessive heat aggravated by climate change and unprecedented observation of the important religious exercise of Ramadan.
Tudec Development Centre and the National Peace Council have honoured distinguished individuals of varied faiths and offices ...
Ramadan, the 9th month of the Islamic calendar, is a month in which Muslims across the globe observe fasting as ordained by the Almighty Allah in the Holy Qur'an.Fasting, which involves abstaining ...
The leadership of Ansar-ud-deen Society of Nigeria, has called on its Muslim Ummah nationwide to embrace entrepreneurship skills with a view to supporting the government and their religion.It stressed ...
The doctors whose listings are included in Castle Connolly's Top Doctor listings were selected after peer nomination, extensive research and careful review and screening by a doctor-directed ...