Chancellor-in waiting seeks to finalise coalition talks with Social Democrats by April 20 Coalition aims to revitalise economy with unprecedented large state borrowing programme Merz wants strict ...
BERLIN — For Friedrich Merz, the hard part begins now. The incoming conservative chancellor began coalition talks with the Social Democrats by giving them exactly what center-left parties have always ...
Friedrich Merz, poised to become Germany’s next chancellor, is charting an unexpected course in relations with President Trump’s administration. Unlike other European leaders rushing to curry ...
"Some disappointed voters are turning to the AfD." Merz announced his dramatic shift on spending - agreed with likely future coalition partners the Social Democrats - only nine days after winning ...
Chancellor-in-waiting Friedrich Merz wants to forge a ruling coalition with the SPD by April 20 but both sides have emphasised getting the substance of the talks right rather than toiling under ...
BERLIN (Reuters) - A bold move by Germany’s prime minister-in-waiting Friedrich Merz to ease longstanding caps on government spending has won praise internationally but signs are emerging of a ...
Merz and SPD Try to Narrow Differences in German Coalition Talks By Andreas Rinke BERLIN (Reuters) - Working groups for Germany's election-winning conservatives and the centre-left Social ...
Germany's likely next chancellor, Friedrich Merz, expressed skepticism Friday about deploying European troops in Ukraine yet also pledged continued financial support and weapons. Speaking at the ...
Party leader Friedrich Merz is widely expected to become Germany’s next chancellor; Kiesewetter, a retired colonel and one of the CDU’s most experienced foreign and security policy experts, is viewed ...
【导读】特朗普2.0时代,美印关系经历了从“蜜月期”到急转直下的戏剧性转折。尽管印度外长苏杰生在特朗普就职典礼上坐在第一排中央,总理莫迪更成为特朗普上任后首批会晤的外国领导人,短短两个月后特朗普便指责印度对美国汽车征收超过100%的关税,并计划强制实 ...
就连欧洲人也终于从催眠般的沉睡中觉醒了。德国新任总理默茨(Friedrich Merz)表示,欧洲必须努力摆脱对美国的依赖,实现独立自主。 从更宏观的 ...
TASS/. The leader of the conservative CDU/CSU bloc and prospective German Chancellor Friedrich Merz has lost his main bargaining chip over the German Social Democrats, with whom he plans to form a ...