M. Bagnoli, “Treasures of Heaven: Saints, Relics, and Devotion in Medieval Europe”. Cleveland: Cleveland Museum of Art, 2010. McLaughlin, Meredith. "Arm Reliquary: Journey from Divine to Fine ...
Authors of these essays, all leading curators in their fields, offer insights into curatorial practices by highlighting key objects in some of the most famous medieval collections in North America and ...
In the Middle Ages, as today, visual art offered an avenue to explore ... and other markers of identity were used by artists and understood by viewers in medieval Europe.
highlighting the revival of classical ideals and the emergence of humanism in a medieval context. It emphasizes the transformation of art, where individuals began to be portrayed with realism and ...
Medieval Europe’s diverse regional cultures were balanced by a conscious ... including At least one course in history At least one course in art or music Students are encouraged to select courses that ...
On Tuesday, April 11, the Clark Art Institute's Research and Academic Program presents a talk by Karl Whittington (The Ohio ...
Art and Technology Noa Turel’s research area is Early Modern and late-medieval European art in its global context. In her current work, she draws on evidence at the intersection of the histories of ...
Cleveland, The Cleveland Museum of Art, gift of Thomas P ... other languages and literatures of medieval north-western Europe, and the afterlife of Old Norse in modern English literature.
to the average medieval European, unicorns were not mythical, but a zoological truth. Medieval art is full of unicorns. One famous example is the series of tapestries known as the Lady and the ...