Steffi Graf lächelt stolz. Kein Wunder! Ihr Sohn Jaden ist nicht nur in ihrer Wahlheimat Amerika ein gefragter Baseballstar – ...
Teslas Model Y gehörte zu den erfolgreichsten Fahrzeugen weltweit. Doch zuletzt sanken die Verkaufszahlen rapide - auch weil ...
Das ist los in Wipperfürth, Gummersbach, Waldbröl und drumherum: Die Meldungen des Tages aus dem Oberbergischen Kreis.
Las Vegas is expected to experience early heat with temperatures potentially hitting 90 degrees, breaking records.
Here at Channel 13 Las Vegas, we want to ensure that you start your day on the right foot by keeping you informed about the ...
LAS VEGAS, Nev. (FOX5) - 2024’s grueling summer heat took a toll on some fruits and vegetables grown at Gilcrease Orchards. “We lost a lot of the tomato fruit to sunburn,” according to Gilcrease ...
The last time Clark County opened up requests for free trees, the entire lot of 4,500 only lasted 72 hours. To claim a tree ...
A high-wind warning is in effect for the Las Vegas valley Monday. High Wind Warning in place for Monday to Tuesday afternoon Clouds and sun today with normal low 70s Temps ...
Temperatures continue to climb into Sunday with a high of 73 expected in Las Vegas. Wind and cooler weather is expected ...
Once you pass the famous "Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas" sign along Las Vegas Boulevard South, it won't be too long until you're cruising the Strip. Sin City's notorious artery acts as the ...
Hold onto your green hats. Some serious wind, and a few showers, have come into the Las Vegas Valley for St. Patrick’s Day.
Ask any elementary school teacher and they’ll tell you they know if their kids have come to school hungry. The question was put to the test during the COVID pandemic, when the ...